Are you looking to sell your Shared Ownership property?

Whatever the reason that you’re looking to move you’ll need to let us know first. Under the terms of your Shared Ownership lease, Acis has the right to nominate a buyer for your share – this is known as a ‘nomination period’. Our right to nominate will last between four and 12 weeks, depending on the terms of your lease.

Your step-by-step guide

We’ve outlined the steps you need to take below, but if you have any questions then just let us know.  

  1. Get a valuation of your home. This needs to be from a valuer or surveyor that is registered with the Royal Institute of Surveyors (RICS). It must be a RICS ‘Red Book’ Valuation. We can provide details of surveyors if you need them. Your survey report will remain valid for three months from the date of the report. You may be able to extend this but you’ll need to discuss it with your valuer or surveyor.
  2. Let us know. Once you’ve received your valuation you’ll need to send us the report and your written notice of intention to sell your share of the home. These can be sent via email or post.
  3. Nomination period. When we have received your documents the nomination period begins. During this period we’ll market your share of your home on our website. To help with this please provide at least one external landscape photo of the front of your home. Please feel free to send us additional photos and floor plans if you wish.
  4. The buyer. Anybody who wishes to make an offer must first be assessed and approved by Acis in line with the Shared Ownership eligibility and affordability criteria provided by Homes England and meet any local connection criteria laid down by the local planning authority.
  5. The buyer must pay the value of your share as set out in the RICS valuation.
  6. End of the nomination period. If we’re unable to find a buyer within the time provided in your lease, you’re free to sell your home on the open market at a price below or above the RICS valuation (should you wish to). We’ll let you know when the nomination period expires. Please note that any buyer introduced by an estate agent must still be assessed and approved by Acis before a sale is agreed.
  7. The sale. Once a sale is agreed our re-sale administration fee of £450 + VAT is payable. This covers our administration costs for the buyer approval process, working with solicitors, assisting with enquiries, apportioning rent and service charge and the preparation of a leasehold management pack.
  8. Conveyancing process. You’ll then need to instruct a solicitor to deal with the sale.

Homes available to buy

You can find our new Shared Ownership homes and re-sale Shared Ownership homes on our homes available to buy pages.