We are a housing charity helping to create opportunities for people to have better lives by providing better homes and better services.
We provide over 6,500 affordable homes in 23 local authority areas across the East Midlands, Yorkshire and the Humber.
Our growth ambition is to deliver 200 new homes a year, through both land-led and Section 106 (S106) opportunities, developing affordable & social rent, shared ownership and outright sale homes. We don’t just develop general needs homes but also supported housing to meet the identified local housing need.
For land led opportunities we seek to secure sites that can deliver between 40 to 80 new homes and look at S106 schemes that deliver 10 units or more, but always open to conversation if a proposal falls outside these numbers.
We are Investment Partners with Homes England and bid for grant through the continuous market engagement route.
Our aim is to meet the nationally described space standards, deliver a proportion of homes that are accessible (why not view our Homes for the Ages documentary), take forward modern methods of construction and meet the governments agenda to reduce carbon emissions, very much with an eye on the future homes standard.
We want to work with like-minded partners to develop new homes and formalise our approach to sustainable, long term strategic partnerships.
Have a development opportunity that fits this criteria then please contact us at development@acisgroup.co.uk and we will get back to you.
Our developments in pictures