7 Jul 2023
Our safer communities team recently worked with a family, over the course of a month, to help them get the support they needed to prevent antisocial behaviour in the community.
We received several complaints that a group of young people was causing a disturbance for one street by knocking on doors and windows, kicking balls against cars, and making threats.
So, we opened a case and began an investigation into what was happening.
We then received further information about what was happening such as property being damaged, drug usage and fires being set.
Our investigation highlighted that, although the young people didn’t live in this particular street, some of them were connected to our tenants. We also discovered some of the young people involved were under Children’s Services’ care.
We worked with the connected family and the police to suggest some solutions, and provided the family with numbers they could call for support.
Multi-agency working
Away from the street, we worked with multiple partner agencies to ensure that the young people who were part of the group also got the support they needed.
We spearheaded a multi-agency meeting, ensuring that the people around the table could make firm decisions about actions to be taken. As well as us, the local council, Children’s Services, the police, the local MP’s representative and the local neighbourhood safety coordinator attended.
Children’s Services were a key agency in helping to resolve the situation, despite some concerns at first. But by working as a collective group, we were able combine our knowledge to understand the impact of those concerns and identify a solution.
Children’s Services changed the care plans for the young people under in their care and put processes in place with their teams to ensure these were followed.
What’s happening now?
Since the actions from this meeting have been in place, we’ve received fewer reports of ASB in the area. But we’re still attending multi-agency meetings to ensure continued support is available for everyone involved to prevent further incidents.