12 Nov 2020 | Posted by Rebecca Garbutt
The pandemic has been a challenge for all of us, but for some vulnerable groups, facing lockdown alone has been one of the toughest.
To support them during the crisis, we developed EP19 – a project designed to help those struggling with emotional, physical or financial challenges during the pandemic.
One woman to benefit from the project is Betty, an 83-year-old lady from Scothern, near Lincoln.
The team first got in touch with Betty when Erica, our Customer Relationship Lead, called her one morning to check-in on her wellbeing.
With many of her neighbours isolating, Betty had reported that she’d been finding lockdown quite difficult.
After hearing her concerns, Erica offered to call her weekly for a catch-up.
Betty said: “I don’t see many people at all now. I’m used to being on my own.
“She’s kept in touch and it’s been nice to hear a friendly voice when you’re in isolation.
“When we’ve had a chat, I don’t feel so lonely.”
In difficult and unsettling times, projects like EP19 can ensure that we’re there for those who need us most.
You can get in touch with the team directly by calling us on 0800 027 2057 or emailing us at EP.Support@acisgroup.co.uk