You might already know that every January, there’s a Blue Monday. This is supposedly the point where people really feel the comedown from all the festivities of Christmas and the New Year, and look to the long stretch of the year ahead. Add our UK winter weather into the mix, and you get the idea!
But this year our aim is to turn those frowns upside down and help you make Blue Monday a perfect start to the week (and year) ahead.
Keep yourself busy
Don’t sit around feeling bored or frustrated. There are lots of things to do across the city and areas you haven’t explored yet. Whether it’s going for a walk around the local area or linking in with friends, there’s plenty to do. We’ve given you some fun ideas below.
Link in with friends and family: Make a list of people you haven’t spoken to in a while and arrange to call or message them all to see how they’re doing.
Get everyone round for a movie day: Whether it’s flatmates or your course friends, arrange to meet somewhere and decide on a list of films that you’d like to watch. Close the blinds, get the snacks out and have the best day.
Go shopping: Whether it’s food, books or just window shopping, head to your favourite shops and see what bargains you can find.
Explore the city: There will be lots of things to do in your local area, some of which will be free. Find out what’s happening in Nottingham and Sheffield and take some friends along with you.
Get organised: Getting yourself organised is a great way to make you feel refreshed and on top of things. Whether it’s a wardrobe clear-out or just an admin day to get everything ticked off your list, you’ll feel much better for it.
If you’re currently studying at the University of Nottingham, then the ResX team is holding a Friends International Globe Café. Find more info here. You can also find out what else they have going on throughout the week here.
Try something new
If there’s ever been a time to try something new, then it’s definitely in January! Do you have a list of things you’d like to try? Maybe you’d like to take up yoga or want to put some of your new years’ resolutions into action, why not start now? We’ve helped you out below, if you didn’t have any ideas already.
Exercise: Is there a new fitness class you’d like to try? Wanting to join a gym but always been too nervous? Or maybe you just want to start walking more? Today is the day!
Hobbies: Maybe you’d enjoy crafting, looking to start journaling, or have a passion for photography? There might be classes in your area already set out to help you learn the ropes and get involved.
Join a society: Take a look at your Student Union to see whether there are any societies that you could join or help out with.
If you need support, then reach out
Your mental health is just as important as your physical health, so make sure you look after yourself. Create some new habits and thought processes but start with reaching out for support where and when you need it.
Your university will have a range of support that you can utilise, as well as our own channels here at Acis Students through Endsleigh Insurance.
You can find out more about support below.
Sheffield Hallam:
The University of Nottingham:
Acis Students: