This page explains how we manage asbestos, what materials may contain asbestos and what you should do if you think you have asbestos in your home.

Remember: if asbestos is left undisturbed or undamaged, it is not harmful and poses no risk to health. 

What is asbestos?

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral fibre, previously used in building materials because it:

  • is chemically resistant
  • is fire resistant
  • provides insulation

Properties built before 1999, particularly between the 1950s and1980s, could contain some form of asbestos material. Those built after 1999 are unlikely to contain asbestos building materials or products as all use of asbestos was banned in 1999 in the UK.

Why could asbestos be a problem?

Asbestos is not a problem if it is undamaged and is potentially dangerous only when fibres become airborne. So day to day living in a property containing asbestos materials is not normally a significant risk.

However, DIY activities such as drilling, sawing, sanding or scrubbing could result in a brief, localised release of asbestos fibres, which is why we ask that you contact us before undertaking this type of work. Some improvement work requires our permission beforehand regardless of any potential risks.

If you think a material might contain asbestos, do not work on it. Call our Customer Service Centre on 0800 027 2057 for advice.

Minimising the risk of asbestos

As part of ongoing improvements to our properties, we may need to inspect your home from time to time. Asbestos materials that are in good condition are often best left where they are and monitored on a regular basis.

When asbestos materials are damaged, they must be repaired or removed by a specialist contractor. We will arrange for this to happen at no cost to you. If you are a leaseholder or shared ownership customer, please contact us for advice.

What you should do before starting DIY?

Major repairs and maintenance to your home, such as kitchen and bathroom replacement, is our responsibility.

You should always get permission from us before undertaking works such as DIY in your home. Please check your tenancy agreement or lease if you are unsure. This will allow us to check your property and advise what you can and cannot carry out.

What you should do if you think there is asbestos in your home

If you think asbestos could be present in your home, contact our Customer Service Centre immediately and tell them your concerns.

Where there is known or suspected asbestos material, take care not to disturb it or allow it to become damaged. Do not drill holes, saw, sand or scrape the material. Remember, asbestos materials will cause you no harm if they are left alone. 

Additional advice on asbestos in the home can be obtained from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), Environmental Protection UK, the Environment Agency or your local authority.